Uncover the Truth Within.


Transform fear into faith.

Becoming a channeler …

In late 2008, after an early morning yoga class, I had a profound spiritual awakening experience. I was filled with electrifying energy and an alarming new perspective that there was more to this world than I previously thought.

Throughout my twenties, I had an on-again-off-again relationship with spirituality. On one hand, I read voraciously, became a yoga instructor, and went to healings, channelings, churches and festivals. My search for spiritual connection was compartmentalized to a few inspired moments, while in ‘real life’, I forced my way through crippling anxiety and did what I was taught was the way to succeed: push, struggle, force, and endure.

I donned pumps, climbed the corporate ladder, waged war on my body through extreme exercising, bulimia and anorexia, and numbed my anxiety with prescription drugs and alcohol.

In my early thirties, I hit rock bottom. I couldn’t push my way through life or numb out any longer. I had nothing left.

On my knees, I cried out, “I give up! I have tried everything.”

Then, a still and gentle voice responded, “Dear one, the only thing you haven’t tried is not trying. Surrender, dear Katrina.”

And so, I let go. It was the only choice left. I prayed to God, something I had never done before, and it dawned on me that through all these years of spiritual exploration, I never truly had faith. 

In that surrendered moment, God/The Universe revealed themselves. From this moment forward, my perception was forever shifted.  The fear and chokehold anxiety that previously was running my life began to dissipate and it’s place my faith blossomed.

As faith replaced fear, I began to follow the guidance of Love that I was hearing. I was called to practice the lessons of A Course in Miracles and was directed to allow in channeled messages from my guides, The Wisdom Keepers. As more was revealed to me, and layers of misbelief were shed, my life continued to radically transform, there was a flow and ease, and most importantly an abiding peace.

In 2020, the pandemic struck the world and fear knocked on all of our doors. It was at this time that I heard again that still small voice asking me to share my channeling with the world.

And so today, with help from my guides and on the wings of an intense trust in the Universe, I am doing just that. Through this work, I aspire to help others shed their limiting beliefs and find the Truth within to experience the same freedom that has brought lasting joy to my life.

Uncover the Truth Within

Release Limiting Beliefs

Release the beliefs that are holding you back from living a better life.

Live a Surrendered Life

Relinquish the need to control in order to experience a sense of certainty and freedom.

Experience Peace

Come to know that unyielding, undying part of you that is the harbourer of abiding peace.

My awakening story

You have fully explored feelings of un-wholeness. You have been pulled into the treacherous waters of seeking comfort, freedom, and love outside of yourselves.

Dear ones, look within, the Truth lives inside.

The yearning.

The calling.

The knowing.

That you are more.